
Season 8, Episode 1: Money Can Suck My Cock

The boys each have new moneymaking schemes, Jim Lahey is on the verge of retiring and Randy has a new assistant.

Plot Summary

The camera crews show up as Ricky tries to install an industrial AC unit on top of his trailer. Ricky freaks out about being tricked on the contract with the camera crew and starts firing off his gun in the air.

Julian tries to calm Ricky down, but the AC unit breaks and falls into the roof of Ricky’s car. Ricky freaks out again and blames Corey. Corey then explains the story about how him and Trevor got separated, which involves a lot of travel and getting on separate trains.

Bubbles introduces Ricky’s new pet fish, Orangie. The fish helps keep Ricky sane after Lucy and Trinity moved out of the Trailer Park. Barb is seen driving past with Sam Losco, and the Boys visually cringe at the sight of the two together.

Julian gives a tour of his new bar, which gives away free beer with a mandatory $5 donation. Trinity is working as his bartender. Ricky explains how his trailer’s walls are filled with weed that he uses to make honey oil.

Bubbles has a new enterprise as well: Bubbles’ Kitty Shed and Breakfast. He explains that customers stay in kitty-friendly sheds with all the amenities, including a pancake-and-maple syrup breakfast.

Bubbles gives Ricky and Julian money to buy him some sheds for the business, but Ricky knows they can get the sheds for free by stealing them. Ricky shows off his new system of money: hash coins .

Randy shows up with his new assistant Trailer Park supervisor: Donald. Randy drives off, and Lahey shows up on the screen explaining his retirement as supervisor of the Park. Lahey is now off the booze, much to Randy’s surprise.

The “Roc Pile” pulls up in a limo. J-Roc shows up his new business: Roc Vodka, a flavored vodka. J-Roc supplies the alcohol for Julian’s bar and wants to be his partner, but Julian doesn’t want a partner.

Ricky and Julian show up at the hardware store. Ricky wants to steal the sheds instead of buying them. Randy shows up at Ricky’s trailer asking for documentation for the AC unit, but Bubbles can’t provide any. Randy and Donald are called for a situation at Barb’s trailer.

Ricky and Julien rob the sheds by pretending to be police officers. Barb is then shown throwing Sam Losco out of her trailer. It’s revealed that Sam owns 49.5% of the Park, with Barb owning 49.5% and Lahey owning 1%.

Ricky and Julian show back up to the Park with the sheds. Bubbles finds out that the sheds are stolen, and freaks out and tells them to get rid of the sheds. Ricky and Julian figure out a way to better the situation, which starts by building the sheds and decorating them.

The police show up to investigate the shed theft, but Ricky is able to get them out of the conundrum. Julian wants to show Bubbles the shed, but he doesn’t want to see them. They have a standoff in the street, until Julian finally relents. Bubbles, however, still agrees to look at the sheds.

Bubbles looks at the sheds and is visually surprised. As Ricky and Trinity bring out a cake to celebrate, Ricky complains about the AC in his trailer. Corey shows up with Ricky’s car, and the roof is now fixed with a window that mimics a sunroof. Corey then reveals Barb is selling the Park.

Barb has to sell the Park to split the assets with Sam after an anonymous call caused the two to begin divorce proceedings. Lahey is finally retired and gets back on the booze, and the Boys are upset they need to figure out how to handle the Park situation.

Season 1

Season 1 is the first season of Trailer Park Boys. It features an introduction to the Trailer Park and its residents, and ends with Ricky and Julien going to jail. Here is the list of episodes in Season 1:

  1. Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park: Ricky and Julien head back to Sunnyvale Trail Park to restart their life after jail, but Ricky finds himself without a place to sleep and a guy named Cyrus moved into Julien’s trailer.
  2. Fuck Community College, Let’s Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers: Julian plans to leave the Trailer Park after he is constantly bothered by everyone, but Lahey tries to convince Julian to stay to keep
    Ricky in line.
  3. Mr. Lahey’s Got My Porno Tape!: Ricky agrees to be in J-Roc’s porn tape to make some quick cash. Lahey gets a copy of the tape and plans to use it against Ricky, but Julian tries to convince him that using the tape is a bad idea.
  4. Mrs. Peterson’s Dog Gets Fucked Up: Julian is tasked with watching Mrs. Peterson’s dog, but when he hands the responsibility over to Ricky, Ricky gets shot. They go to a vet for help with the bullet wound, but they have to do a quick, but dangerous repo job.
  5. I’m Not Gay, I Love Lucy… Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay: Julian tries to convince Ricky to marry Lucy by telling him the Park thinks he’s gay. They steal a ring, Ricky proposes, and Julian gives Ricky his grandmother’s old car: a 1976 New Yorker.
  6. Who The Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?: Lucy freaks out to Julian about the wedding’s disorganization, and Julian plans to fix it by robbing a grocery store. Chaos ensues in the store, and in the middle of the wedding, the cops show up and make a couple of arrests.

Season 1 Episode Rankings (Spoilers)

Season 1 was a bit slow at times, but a few of the episodes certainly stood out among the others. Here is the list of our favorite episodes in Season 1, ranked best to worst:

  1. Who The Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?: This episode was jam-packed with action: The stag party, the robbery, the wedding, the arrests. It was simply a great episode from start-to-end and can be re-watched many times without boredom.
  2. Mrs. Peterson’s Dog Gets Fucked Up: Ricky getting shot twice was hilarious, especially in the manner in happens both times. We are also introduced to Sam Losco, who becomes a comedic character in further seasons.
  3. Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park: We get to learn about all the characters in this episode, and the plot featuring the feud between the Trailer Park residents and Cyrus was interesting.
  4. Mr. Lahey’s Got My Porno Tape!: The porn tape plot is featured multiple times throughout the show, and is funny each time. While this may be the worst porn tape episode, it still packs a bit of laughs.
  5. I’m Not Gay, I Love Lucy… Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay: The whole “Ricky as gay” plot was obviously very fake. There are some good scenes – like their interaction with the cop – but it’s overall a subpar episode.
  6. Fuck Community College, Let’s Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers: Showing the Boys as petty and disjointed makes for a very subpar episode. There are few, if any, good scenes and the episodes kind of falls flat.

Best Scenes in Season 1 (Spoilers)

Season 1 may not have been the best season overall, but it certainly had a lot of great scenes. Here are the funniest and most enjoyable scenes from the first season of Trailer Park Boys:

  1. The Robbery (Watch Here): Julian, Bubbles, and Corey And Trevor rob the grocery store to get some food for the wedding, but Ricky wakes up and goes in to buy some smokes. A gunfight ensues, but everyone realizes it’s all friendly fire.
  2. Ricky Gets Shot in the Ass (Watch here): Ricky starts making weed brownies, finds an old gun, and then proceeds to get shot by his daughter with said gun. The scene is ridiculous and funny at the same time.
  3. The Jim Trick (Watch here): Ricky and Julien get pulled over after robbing a house, but Ricky is able to get him and Julian free from the cops by pulling an elaborate charade.
  4. Chicken Fingers (Watch Here): Ricky goes against Julian’s warning and throws a get together with Ray on Julian’s lawn. What’s great about this scene is we get introduced to a few Rickyisms.

Season 2, Episode 3: I’ve Met Dogs and Cats Smarter than Trevor and Cory

Needing extra cash to expand their dope operation, Julian and Ricky open a bar and casino in J-ROC’s trailer.

Plot Summary

Ricky argues with a prison guard over their dope delivery, but Julian solves the issue by promising a hefty delivery to the jail. Ricky starts arguing that he can’t afford cigarettes of peperoni, but Julian shrugs it off to continue the growing operation.

Trina, Lahey and Barb’s daughter, shows up to the Supervisor trailer for the weekend. Ricky freaks out when his car breaks down in front of the supervisors’ trailer, and Trina inquires as to who the guy yelling in the middle of the road is.

Julian’s new money-making idea is opening a bar in J-Roc’s trailer. The Boys go to the park barbeque top celebrate Randy’s promotion, which is a distraction to keep Lahey off Cory and Trevor’s tail. However, they mess up and anger Julian when they get back to the park emptyhanded.

Ricky goes with Cory and Trevor to the warehouse to steal some stuff, but they set off an alarm and the guard dog. Ricky charges in with his gun, and when the dog attacks all of them, fires his gun and shoots his own foot. They somehow make it back to the park.

Trina falls off her bike in front of the Boys, and Ricky helps her up. Trina realizes Ricky and the Boys aren’t too bad. J-Roc and his crew unload the van for the opening night. The new bar opens up and the crowd is a bit odd; Cory and Trevor dropped off the flyers in front of a gay bar.

Corey and Trevor brag about the “women” they are hanging out with, who are actually cross dressers. Randy shows up to shut down the bar and calls the cops, but Randy strikes a deal with Julian to shut down the bar in exchange for keeping the money made from the operation.

The cops show up and Randy sends them away. Trina shows up with some peperoni for Ricky, but Ray eats it all. Julian counts up the money and it’s a success, but they run into Cory and Trevor with the cross dressers on the way home.

Cory and Trevor then show up on screen, obviously a bit skittish from their encounter. They feign ignorance on the matter, but it’s clear they know they messed up. The credits roll.

Season 2, Episode 2: Jim Lahey is a Drunk Bastard

Julian and Ricky have to make sure that Jim Lahey wins the election for trailer park supervisor over their archrival Sam Losco.

Plot Summary

There’s a new election in Sunnyvale for Trailer Park Supervisor: Lahey vs Sam Losco. Lahey’s been very drunk lately, but it’s obvious that he still cares about the park.

Sam Losco talks to Ricky about the election and it’s revealed how Sam lost his veterinary practice: he butchered stitching up Ricky’s gunshot wound and the cops found out. Lahey arrives home and is met by an angry crowd, but he dips in his trailer with a bottle of liquor.

The reason for Lahey’s increasing drunkenness is Randy’s departure from the assistant job due to lack of a promotion. However, the Boys need Lahey in office because he is easily controllable, so they head to Lahey’s trailer to trade an old Airstream trailer for helping him keep his job and get Randy back.

Barbara Lahey, who owns the trailer park, meets Sam Losco, and seems impressed with him and his vision. Ricky and Bubbles find Corey and Trevor advertising Sam Losco’s campaign, but the Boys convince them to drop the signs and start planning to reelect Lahey.

They’re able to get the local news station to the park. Julian heads to Lucy’s trailer to convince Randy to break up with Lucy. He drives to J-Roc’s to get some drugs, and then to check up on Lahey before the big election.

Sam Losco begins his intro, and it’s clear the crowd loves Sam. Lahey then gets arrested for drinking and driving, but Ricky is able to get him out of the cop car to give a speech. Julian then plants some drugs in Sam Losco’s food.

Sam gets up to give his speech, but the drugs start to take effect. Now high, he steps off the stage and gets booed. Lahey gets up on stage and gives a heartfelt speech, and Randy reappears and is offered the weekend trailer park supervisor job.

Back in the dope trailer, it is revealed that Lahey won the supervisor job. Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, and Sarah cheer and prepare for their increasingly important dope growing operation.

Season 2, Episode 1: What in the Fuck Happened to Our Trailer Park?

When Ricky gets a job as a mall security guard, he puts Julian’s dope-growing operation at risk and tries to arrest Bubbles for stealing shopping carts.

Plot Summary

Bubbles goes to pick up Ricky and Julian from jail, who are wearing the same suits from when they were arrested at the wedding. They head to a park to detail their new plan: Freedom 35, where they break the law a bit at first to get the money to start growing dope.

They head to the mall to steal some car stereos, but the mall manager intercepts them and questions them. Ricky is able to get him and Julian out of trouble with the manager, who is shown to be a nervous idiot.

They show up to the park again, which is a complete mess. Ricky heads to see his dad, who is with Sarah, and they explain that Lucy doesn’t want anything to do with Ricky. He tries to take a birdhouse to Lucy, who is now in love with Randy because he has a stable job.

Julian heads to J-Roc to sell the car stereos, and despite the slow market, they are able to get some starting growing equipment. Corey and Trevor drop off the gear, and Ricky shows up to tell Julian about his situation. Julian tries to dissuade Ricky from getting a job, but Ricky storms off.

Ricky starts working at the mall as a security guard, and his first task is to stop the cart thieves. The thief, however, is Bubbles, and Ricky catches him throwing carts over the edge. Julian shows up and is unable to convince Ricky to quit his new job, so he plans to get Ricky fired.

Ricky radios to the mall manager that he caught the cart thief, and he brings Bubbles tot he manager. However, Ricky lets him go and the other guards take Corey and Trevor. Julian’s plan of planting a stolen car stereo in Ricky’s trunk works and gets Ricky fired, which only makes Ricky more enraged.

Everyone arrives back to messy trailer park, and Ricky talks to Bubbles and Julian. He asks Julian about the new dope he is planting, but its clear Julian is clueless about it. Ricky agrees to help Julian grow the dope and Freedom 35 is back on track.

Season 1, Episode 6: Who the Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?

Lucy insists that Julian take over the job of organizing her wedding: which is odd since Julian isn’t the groom, Ricky is. She wants lots of people and lots of food. The people part will be easy but getting that much food will be difficult on a tight budget. Julian’s plan to hit a local grocery store runs into a snag when Ricky unexpectedly shows up in the middle of the heist. Shots are fired. The next day, the cops show up uninvited to the wedding.

Plot Summary

Ricky begins the show reflecting on his recent life and his newfound responsibility. Lucy calls Julien and wants him to take over planning the wedding, as there isn’t a priest, food, or any sort of plan. Julien says he’ll take care of everything.

Lucy reflects on her wedding day and thinks she shouldn’t have to worry about setting everything up. She documents her plan for a stag party, and Corey and Trevor document the plan for Ricky’s stag party.

Sarah then talks about how Julien wants this wedding to happen more than anything, as Ricky, Lucy, and Trinity have been bugging him for months. Candy, Julien’s girlfriend, is seen washing Julien’s car and it’s shown that they ar eseemingly in love.

Bubbles reflects on his life when his parents left him after Trinity calls Julien’s trailer. Julien then heads out in his car and Lucy calls about food for the wedding, but there’s no money. Julien starts planning a heist to steal some food. Bubbles’ role with shopping carts is shown for the first time, as he’s in charge of the carts of the heist.

Ricky shows up to argue with Julien and the Boys surprise him with a stag party. After a bunch of drinks, the Boys head to the Strip Club and Ricky drinks a ton more. After Ricky passes out at the club, the Boys hop in the truck and head to the grocery store.

The Boys, minus Ricky, hold up the grocery store. Ricky, unaware of the robbery, walks in to buy some cigarettes and starts a gunfight with the Boys. After the fight stops when they realize who they’re shooting, the Boys head out the door and into the parking lot for the getaway.

The Boys make it back to the park with the food, and the next day begins. Julien is buying a new trailer, and Ricky is spending time with his family when Detective Ted Johnson shows up and inquires about some goofy business in the area. It’s obvious Ricky is scared of the cop.

The wedding begins and goes well for a bit, but the cops show up before the final stages of it. Julien, seeing Ricky in handcuffs, fires off his gun to go to jail with Ricky. Lucy wails about her wedding being ruined and Ricky and Julien are carted off to jail.

Now in jail, Ricky and Julien begin to document their time in jail. Ricky says that he loves jail, and Julien begins his obsession with focusing on positive thinking in jail. They only have 45 days left.

Season 5, Episode 2: The Shit Puppets

Cory and Trevor start to work for Julian. The boys steal drugs from Cyrus and hatch a plan to hide it all until they can find a buyer.

Plot Summary

Julian wakes up Bubbles and Ricky to borrow Ricky’s car and gun for an undisclosed reason. Bubbles gets mad he slept for as long as he did, and Ricky falls back asleep on the grass.

Act One

Ricky helps Bubbles clean out his shed full of liquor bottles, and Trinity takes the bottles away. Julian drags Corey and Trevor out of their trailer to work for him, but Sarah chases them down before Julian can get away. Julian is able to convince Sarah to let them go with him for the day.

Ricky takes two shopping carts to J-Roc’s place to take back some stereo equipment bought with Ricky’s dope money. J-Roc tells him about their new hustle: ganking groceries. However, it’s clear that all their stuff was bought with their dope money, and Ricky takes it all back, including their dryer.

Ricky drops all the stereo equipment off to Trinity, and Julian takes Corey and Trevor to work. Ricky takes some cereal from the fridge and talks to Lucy, and it’s clear Lucy looks a bit different. Ricky invites Lucy to get drunk together and she agrees.

Act Two

Phil Collins helps Lahey and Randy pave a driveway, and it’s revealed that Randy gave up cheeseburgers. Ricky gets back to the lot and talks to Bubbles about getting back together with Lucy, but the problem is that he’s going to start selling hash again to do it. Ricky then steals Lahey’s car and drives to Terry and Dennis’, with Bubbles behind him.

Julian, Corey and Trevor are already at Terry and Dennis’ house. Cyrus is there, too, but that doesn’t stop Julian from robbing the place. They find all the hash, steal the Monte Carlo, and make their getaway. Ricky arrives at the house as Julian is leaving, and trails Julian back to the park. Bubbles is again behind Ricky, but Cyrus sees him and realizes who robbed them.

Act Three

Ricky confronts Julian about the robbery, and Bubbles tells both of them that Cyrus saw him. Cyrus and his crew arrive at the park and a standoff occurs. After a few shots fired, the cops show up and arrest Cyrus. The group also claims to own the hash, which extends their sentence.

Lahey protects the Boys from the cops and they go inside to see their haul. With nowhere to store it, Julian proposes that they store it in plain sight, which is determined to be the unpaved driveway of Ray’s lot.

Season 5, Episode 1: Give Peace a Chance

The boys get out of jail only to find that Cory and Trevor messed up again and they don’t own the park after all. Ray is hooked on VLTs.

Plot Summary

The season opens with Ricky, Julien, and Bubbles complaining about jail. Drinking, dope, and smoking are largely banned, so Ricky and Bubbles play badminton. Julien, of course, is reading books and lifting weights.

Act One

Lahey claims he’s a new person: that’s he’s quit drinking and is willing to treat the Boys better. As the Boys get better to leave jail, they put their trust in Corey and Trevor to buy the park. However, Corey and Trevor reveal they messed up and Barb stole most of the money.

The Boys leave jail and are greeted by a limo, which Julien rented due to their supposed riches. The limo is full of booze, but Ricky wants some dope. He proposing going to Terry and Dennis’ house to pick up some hash, but Julien and Bubbles express their problems with going to their house.

Act Two

They get to the house and are greeted by the twins’ grandmother. They try to buy some hash, but Dennis wants some time to talk and Terry notices the limo outside and freaks out. An argument ensues between the groups but eventually subsides.

Julien picks up one of Terry and Dennis’ guns and a standoff starts. The two want to wait for their partner to show up before selling anything, and it turns out to be Cyrus. Cyrus also complains about the limo and calls everyone outside. Ricky and Julien grab some weapons from the coffee table.

Once they get outside, Cyrus freaks out at the Boys and fires a warning shot. Another standoff ensues and the limo drives off. Both back down, but the Boys are forced to take a taxi home. When they get home, they have to run the cab due to Corey and Trevor’s failure to save the money.

The Boys go to Ray’s trailer and find out that Corey and Trevor screwed them over and that Lahey and Randy bought Julien’s trailer. Bubbles’ shed is also full of liquor bottles, leaving all of them without a place to sleep. Ricky freaks out and looks for Corey and Trevor to shoot them.

Act Three

Ricky goes to Lucy and Sarah’s trailer to look for Corey and Trevor and sees Trinity. Sarah warns Ricky to stay away from them, but he goes to see them at J-Roc’s trailer. Corey and Trevor immediately run away, but the cops show up before Ricky can do anything to them.

The police introduce the peace bond to Ricky, which states that Ricky has to stay 50 feet away from Corey and Trevor. As the police leave, Julien confronts Lahey about his trailer. Lahey agrees to sell it back to him for a fee. Ricky then confronts Lahey, who apologizes to him for all the problems he caused in the past year.

Season 5 Episode 10: The Shit Blizzard

Cyrus gets out of jail and goes after Ricky, Julian and Bubbles. The boys decide to surrender. Lahey saves Ricky’s life.

Plot Summary

J-Roc and T open the episode explaining that Cyrus is getting out of jail and heading to Sunnyvale to kill Ricky and Julien. Lahey and Randy paint a picture of Cyrus on a cock on one of the trailers to taunt Cyrus.

Act One

J-Roc pulls up to the lot and warns the Boys about Cyrus. Julien sends them to get some guns they hid underneath his old trailer to prepare for the ensuing gun fight. Ricky gets Trinity out of the park, and Lahey catches J-Roc and T digging up the guns, but leaves them alone.

J-Roc and T drop off the guns and dip, as they don’t want to participate in the fight. Trevor and Corey are enlisted to help from a viewpoint on a roof. Bubbles expresses his final opinion on the matter, which is enough to convince Julien to go a more passive route in the fight.

Act Two

Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry show up to the park and notice the picture on the trailer. They show up to the trailer, notice the Monte Carlo, and fire a warning shot. Julien surrenders and hands over the car and the hash. They agree to part ways calmly.

Julien radios to Corey and Trevor to not shoot at Cyrus. However, they misunderstand and shoot erroneously at Cyrus. Cyrus fires back and hits both of them, igniting a gunfight in the park between the two groups.

The gunfire continues and George Green shows up off-duty. As George radios to headquarters, Lahey steals the radio and calls for more help. In the middle of the fight, Ricky has a heart attack. Julien goes to Lahey for CPR and Ted Johnson shows up to the park and calls for backup.

Julien tries to convince Lahey to help Ricky, but refuses until Julien gets sentimental. Ricky falls in front of Bubbles and passes out, and Lahey shows up 6 minutes later. After a few minutes of CPR, Lahey is able to revive Ricky.

Cyrus and his crew try to make a getaway, but the police backup shows up and arrests the group. The cops go to arrest Julien and Ricky’s crew, but Ricky takes the heat for Bubbles and gets arrested. Before going away in the cop car, Ricky thanks Lahey.

Act Three

Lahey receives an award for bravery, and gives a speech highly intoxicated. Bubbles is left alone in the park again, as Ricky, Julien, Corey, and Trevor are all in jail. Julien blames Corey and Trevor, and Ricky rationalizes his survival due to having less brain thinking.

Season 5, Episode 9: I Am The Liquor

Ricky bails Trinity out of jail. Lahey goes on a drunk-a-thon, and finds out where the boys are hiding the hash.

Plot Summary

Ricky wakes up super hungover from the night before. He tries to borrow Julien’s car, but when Julien says no, he begins jogging to the jail. Out of breath, he sees Bubbles and borrows his go-kart.

Act One

Bubbles walks the rest of the carts back to the lot and sees Julien pulling down his tent. Julien needs some help getting Ricky’s car, which houses some dope and cash, from the impound, and whistles to Corey and Trevor to watch the hash driveway.

Lahey gets Randy to get both a video game set and Corey and Trevor. Ricky arrives at the courthouse and gets some of the government workers to help him get the go-kart on the sidewalk and asks them to smoke a joint with him.

Julien and Bubbles break into the impound and find Ricky’s car untouched. The camera flashes to Corey and Trevor on the driveway, and Randy shows up and convinces them to come to Lahey’s trailer to play video games.

Ricky is in the courthouse explaining why Trinity should be let go and seemingly convinces them to let her go. Corey and Trevor are then seen at Lahey’s trailer when Julien shows up with the down payment, and Corey and Trevor are shuffled out the Trailer.

Trevor comes back to finish his ice cream and Lahey tricks Trevor into telling him about the hash driveway. Julien gets back to the lot and can’t find Corey and Trevor, and Bubbles tells him about his visit with Ray. Ray is both pissed about having to stay in jail and gets beat up by Cyrus, who threatens to kill the Boys.

Corey and Trevor finally show up and admit they told Lahey about the hash driveway. Julien suspends them. Randy wants to call the cops on the Boys, but Lahey has a different idea: bail Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry out of jail.

Ricky brings Trinity back home and promises to never let her drive the car again. Julien and Bubbles pull up to Lucy’s trailer and try to get Ricky to help them get rid of dope, but Ricky found out Julien used the money to buy a trailer.

Despite Julien and Bubbles’ pleading, Ricky doesn’t help them get rid of the hash driveway. Lahey drives by with a car full of liquor and taunts Julien and Bubbles, but Lahey admits he did something much worse than call the cops on them.

Act Three

Ricky rides on his bike to Corey and Trevor and hires them to work for him now that they have been suspended by Julien. Ricky shows up to the driveway with the two of them to steal the rest of the hash. While they are fighting, a stream of people are seen mysteriously leaving the park.

Bubbles starts crying and kickstarts a heartfelt moment for the Boys. As they feel confident that Lahey did nothing crazier than calling the cops, Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry are seen leaving jail.