The boys each have new moneymaking schemes, Jim Lahey is on the verge of retiring and Randy has a new assistant.

Plot Summary

The camera crews show up as Ricky tries to install an industrial AC unit on top of his trailer. Ricky freaks out about being tricked on the contract with the camera crew and starts firing off his gun in the air.

Julian tries to calm Ricky down, but the AC unit breaks and falls into the roof of Ricky’s car. Ricky freaks out again and blames Corey. Corey then explains the story about how him and Trevor got separated, which involves a lot of travel and getting on separate trains.

Bubbles introduces Ricky’s new pet fish, Orangie. The fish helps keep Ricky sane after Lucy and Trinity moved out of the Trailer Park. Barb is seen driving past with Sam Losco, and the Boys visually cringe at the sight of the two together.

Julian gives a tour of his new bar, which gives away free beer with a mandatory $5 donation. Trinity is working as his bartender. Ricky explains how his trailer’s walls are filled with weed that he uses to make honey oil.

Bubbles has a new enterprise as well: Bubbles’ Kitty Shed and Breakfast. He explains that customers stay in kitty-friendly sheds with all the amenities, including a pancake-and-maple syrup breakfast.

Bubbles gives Ricky and Julian money to buy him some sheds for the business, but Ricky knows they can get the sheds for free by stealing them. Ricky shows off his new system of money: hash coins .

Randy shows up with his new assistant Trailer Park supervisor: Donald. Randy drives off, and Lahey shows up on the screen explaining his retirement as supervisor of the Park. Lahey is now off the booze, much to Randy’s surprise.

The “Roc Pile” pulls up in a limo. J-Roc shows up his new business: Roc Vodka, a flavored vodka. J-Roc supplies the alcohol for Julian’s bar and wants to be his partner, but Julian doesn’t want a partner.

Ricky and Julian show up at the hardware store. Ricky wants to steal the sheds instead of buying them. Randy shows up at Ricky’s trailer asking for documentation for the AC unit, but Bubbles can’t provide any. Randy and Donald are called for a situation at Barb’s trailer.

Ricky and Julien rob the sheds by pretending to be police officers. Barb is then shown throwing Sam Losco out of her trailer. It’s revealed that Sam owns 49.5% of the Park, with Barb owning 49.5% and Lahey owning 1%.

Ricky and Julian show back up to the Park with the sheds. Bubbles finds out that the sheds are stolen, and freaks out and tells them to get rid of the sheds. Ricky and Julian figure out a way to better the situation, which starts by building the sheds and decorating them.

The police show up to investigate the shed theft, but Ricky is able to get them out of the conundrum. Julian wants to show Bubbles the shed, but he doesn’t want to see them. They have a standoff in the street, until Julian finally relents. Bubbles, however, still agrees to look at the sheds.

Bubbles looks at the sheds and is visually surprised. As Ricky and Trinity bring out a cake to celebrate, Ricky complains about the AC in his trailer. Corey shows up with Ricky’s car, and the roof is now fixed with a window that mimics a sunroof. Corey then reveals Barb is selling the Park.

Barb has to sell the Park to split the assets with Sam after an anonymous call caused the two to begin divorce proceedings. Lahey is finally retired and gets back on the booze, and the Boys are upset they need to figure out how to handle the Park situation.