Ricky bails Trinity out of jail. Lahey goes on a drunk-a-thon, and finds out where the boys are hiding the hash.

Plot Summary

Ricky wakes up super hungover from the night before. He tries to borrow Julien’s car, but when Julien says no, he begins jogging to the jail. Out of breath, he sees Bubbles and borrows his go-kart.

Act One

Bubbles walks the rest of the carts back to the lot and sees Julien pulling down his tent. Julien needs some help getting Ricky’s car, which houses some dope and cash, from the impound, and whistles to Corey and Trevor to watch the hash driveway.

Lahey gets Randy to get both a video game set and Corey and Trevor. Ricky arrives at the courthouse and gets some of the government workers to help him get the go-kart on the sidewalk and asks them to smoke a joint with him.

Julien and Bubbles break into the impound and find Ricky’s car untouched. The camera flashes to Corey and Trevor on the driveway, and Randy shows up and convinces them to come to Lahey’s trailer to play video games.

Ricky is in the courthouse explaining why Trinity should be let go and seemingly convinces them to let her go. Corey and Trevor are then seen at Lahey’s trailer when Julien shows up with the down payment, and Corey and Trevor are shuffled out the Trailer.

Trevor comes back to finish his ice cream and Lahey tricks Trevor into telling him about the hash driveway. Julien gets back to the lot and can’t find Corey and Trevor, and Bubbles tells him about his visit with Ray. Ray is both pissed about having to stay in jail and gets beat up by Cyrus, who threatens to kill the Boys.

Corey and Trevor finally show up and admit they told Lahey about the hash driveway. Julien suspends them. Randy wants to call the cops on the Boys, but Lahey has a different idea: bail Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry out of jail.

Ricky brings Trinity back home and promises to never let her drive the car again. Julien and Bubbles pull up to Lucy’s trailer and try to get Ricky to help them get rid of dope, but Ricky found out Julien used the money to buy a trailer.

Despite Julien and Bubbles’ pleading, Ricky doesn’t help them get rid of the hash driveway. Lahey drives by with a car full of liquor and taunts Julien and Bubbles, but Lahey admits he did something much worse than call the cops on them.

Act Three

Ricky rides on his bike to Corey and Trevor and hires them to work for him now that they have been suspended by Julien. Ricky shows up to the driveway with the two of them to steal the rest of the hash. While they are fighting, a stream of people are seen mysteriously leaving the park.

Bubbles starts crying and kickstarts a heartfelt moment for the Boys. As they feel confident that Lahey did nothing crazier than calling the cops, Cyrus, Dennis, and Terry are seen leaving jail.