Julian and Ricky have to make sure that Jim Lahey wins the election for trailer park supervisor over their archrival Sam Losco.

Plot Summary

There’s a new election in Sunnyvale for Trailer Park Supervisor: Lahey vs Sam Losco. Lahey’s been very drunk lately, but it’s obvious that he still cares about the park.

Sam Losco talks to Ricky about the election and it’s revealed how Sam lost his veterinary practice: he butchered stitching up Ricky’s gunshot wound and the cops found out. Lahey arrives home and is met by an angry crowd, but he dips in his trailer with a bottle of liquor.

The reason for Lahey’s increasing drunkenness is Randy’s departure from the assistant job due to lack of a promotion. However, the Boys need Lahey in office because he is easily controllable, so they head to Lahey’s trailer to trade an old Airstream trailer for helping him keep his job and get Randy back.

Barbara Lahey, who owns the trailer park, meets Sam Losco, and seems impressed with him and his vision. Ricky and Bubbles find Corey and Trevor advertising Sam Losco’s campaign, but the Boys convince them to drop the signs and start planning to reelect Lahey.

They’re able to get the local news station to the park. Julian heads to Lucy’s trailer to convince Randy to break up with Lucy. He drives to J-Roc’s to get some drugs, and then to check up on Lahey before the big election.

Sam Losco begins his intro, and it’s clear the crowd loves Sam. Lahey then gets arrested for drinking and driving, but Ricky is able to get him out of the cop car to give a speech. Julian then plants some drugs in Sam Losco’s food.

Sam gets up to give his speech, but the drugs start to take effect. Now high, he steps off the stage and gets booed. Lahey gets up on stage and gives a heartfelt speech, and Randy reappears and is offered the weekend trailer park supervisor job.

Back in the dope trailer, it is revealed that Lahey won the supervisor job. Ricky, Julian, Bubbles, and Sarah cheer and prepare for their increasingly important dope growing operation.