Season 1 is the first season of Trailer Park Boys. It features an introduction to the Trailer Park and its residents, and ends with Ricky and Julien going to jail. Here is the list of episodes in Season 1:

  1. Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park: Ricky and Julien head back to Sunnyvale Trail Park to restart their life after jail, but Ricky finds himself without a place to sleep and a guy named Cyrus moved into Julien’s trailer.
  2. Fuck Community College, Let’s Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers: Julian plans to leave the Trailer Park after he is constantly bothered by everyone, but Lahey tries to convince Julian to stay to keep
    Ricky in line.
  3. Mr. Lahey’s Got My Porno Tape!: Ricky agrees to be in J-Roc’s porn tape to make some quick cash. Lahey gets a copy of the tape and plans to use it against Ricky, but Julian tries to convince him that using the tape is a bad idea.
  4. Mrs. Peterson’s Dog Gets Fucked Up: Julian is tasked with watching Mrs. Peterson’s dog, but when he hands the responsibility over to Ricky, Ricky gets shot. They go to a vet for help with the bullet wound, but they have to do a quick, but dangerous repo job.
  5. I’m Not Gay, I Love Lucy… Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay: Julian tries to convince Ricky to marry Lucy by telling him the Park thinks he’s gay. They steal a ring, Ricky proposes, and Julian gives Ricky his grandmother’s old car: a 1976 New Yorker.
  6. Who The Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?: Lucy freaks out to Julian about the wedding’s disorganization, and Julian plans to fix it by robbing a grocery store. Chaos ensues in the store, and in the middle of the wedding, the cops show up and make a couple of arrests.

Season 1 Episode Rankings (Spoilers)

Season 1 was a bit slow at times, but a few of the episodes certainly stood out among the others. Here is the list of our favorite episodes in Season 1, ranked best to worst:

  1. Who The Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?: This episode was jam-packed with action: The stag party, the robbery, the wedding, the arrests. It was simply a great episode from start-to-end and can be re-watched many times without boredom.
  2. Mrs. Peterson’s Dog Gets Fucked Up: Ricky getting shot twice was hilarious, especially in the manner in happens both times. We are also introduced to Sam Losco, who becomes a comedic character in further seasons.
  3. Take Your Little Gun and Get Out of My Trailer Park: We get to learn about all the characters in this episode, and the plot featuring the feud between the Trailer Park residents and Cyrus was interesting.
  4. Mr. Lahey’s Got My Porno Tape!: The porn tape plot is featured multiple times throughout the show, and is funny each time. While this may be the worst porn tape episode, it still packs a bit of laughs.
  5. I’m Not Gay, I Love Lucy… Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay: The whole “Ricky as gay” plot was obviously very fake. There are some good scenes – like their interaction with the cop – but it’s overall a subpar episode.
  6. Fuck Community College, Let’s Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers: Showing the Boys as petty and disjointed makes for a very subpar episode. There are few, if any, good scenes and the episodes kind of falls flat.

Best Scenes in Season 1 (Spoilers)

Season 1 may not have been the best season overall, but it certainly had a lot of great scenes. Here are the funniest and most enjoyable scenes from the first season of Trailer Park Boys:

  1. The Robbery (Watch Here): Julian, Bubbles, and Corey And Trevor rob the grocery store to get some food for the wedding, but Ricky wakes up and goes in to buy some smokes. A gunfight ensues, but everyone realizes it’s all friendly fire.
  2. Ricky Gets Shot in the Ass (Watch here): Ricky starts making weed brownies, finds an old gun, and then proceeds to get shot by his daughter with said gun. The scene is ridiculous and funny at the same time.
  3. The Jim Trick (Watch here): Ricky and Julien get pulled over after robbing a house, but Ricky is able to get him and Julian free from the cops by pulling an elaborate charade.
  4. Chicken Fingers (Watch Here): Ricky goes against Julian’s warning and throws a get together with Ray on Julian’s lawn. What’s great about this scene is we get introduced to a few Rickyisms.