Needing extra cash to expand their dope operation, Julian and Ricky open a bar and casino in J-ROC’s trailer.

Plot Summary

Ricky argues with a prison guard over their dope delivery, but Julian solves the issue by promising a hefty delivery to the jail. Ricky starts arguing that he can’t afford cigarettes of peperoni, but Julian shrugs it off to continue the growing operation.

Trina, Lahey and Barb’s daughter, shows up to the Supervisor trailer for the weekend. Ricky freaks out when his car breaks down in front of the supervisors’ trailer, and Trina inquires as to who the guy yelling in the middle of the road is.

Julian’s new money-making idea is opening a bar in J-Roc’s trailer. The Boys go to the park barbeque top celebrate Randy’s promotion, which is a distraction to keep Lahey off Cory and Trevor’s tail. However, they mess up and anger Julian when they get back to the park emptyhanded.

Ricky goes with Cory and Trevor to the warehouse to steal some stuff, but they set off an alarm and the guard dog. Ricky charges in with his gun, and when the dog attacks all of them, fires his gun and shoots his own foot. They somehow make it back to the park.

Trina falls off her bike in front of the Boys, and Ricky helps her up. Trina realizes Ricky and the Boys aren’t too bad. J-Roc and his crew unload the van for the opening night. The new bar opens up and the crowd is a bit odd; Cory and Trevor dropped off the flyers in front of a gay bar.

Corey and Trevor brag about the “women” they are hanging out with, who are actually cross dressers. Randy shows up to shut down the bar and calls the cops, but Randy strikes a deal with Julian to shut down the bar in exchange for keeping the money made from the operation.

The cops show up and Randy sends them away. Trina shows up with some peperoni for Ricky, but Ray eats it all. Julian counts up the money and it’s a success, but they run into Cory and Trevor with the cross dressers on the way home.

Cory and Trevor then show up on screen, obviously a bit skittish from their encounter. They feign ignorance on the matter, but it’s clear they know they messed up. The credits roll.