The boys hide all of the hash by using it to pave Ray’s driveway. Ray’s addiction to gambling and liquor gets worse. Ricky barbecues for his family with devastating effects.


The Boys detail their plan to hide the hash in plain site. They heat the hash into bricks to use to build a driveway on Ray’s lot. Corey and Trevor are called to help with the operation, but when Ricky offers an ultimatum to Julien, he gets fired and storms off.

Act One

JRoc, T, and DVT show their money-making plan: ganking groceries from the local supermarket. Lahey and Randy notice their paving tools were stolen and begin to suspect some wrongdoing in the park.

JRoc and T roll up to Ray’s to collect their grocery tab. Before they arrive, Ray explains to the audience how he paid off the mortgage on the trailer after 35 years. Ray answers the door, but cannot pay his tab due to his newfound addiction to the gambling machines at the local strip club.

Julien finds out that $60 he left on the table was stolen by Ray, who pretends to not know how the money went missing. Ricky wakes up and wants to have a barbeque for his family, and approaches JRoc to get him the food and equipment in exchange for some of his rap gear back.

Act Two

Ricky arrives at Lucy and Sarah’s trailer to pick up some of the rap equipment for JRoc, and notices Trinity making some music. He invites them all to his barbeque. Ricky notices Julien, Corey, and Trevor outside, and asks Julien to take Ray out at night so he can get right with his family. Julien agrees.

Lahey finishes his bottle of liquid and leaves for a game of bridge. Ricky takes back some of JRoc’s equipment, and Sarah argues with Ricky. JRoc pulls up with a new barbeque and food.

The barbeque starts and Ricky is cooking. Julien rallies Ray, Bubbles, and Corey and Trevor to head to a strip club, and on the way out it’s shown that Bubbles cooked some french fries.

Ricky burns the potatoes he is cooking and heads inside to cook some french fries. He and Lucy drive off to have a private conversation, but he leaves the grease pot on the stove with the fire still running. There’s a big flame at the end of the act.

Act Three

The Boys are now at the strip club, and Julien gives Ray money to buy some drinks. Ray instead wheels into the VLT room and blows all the cash gambling. Disgruntled and cashless, they all leave the club. The police pull up on Ricky and Lucy engaging in salacious deeds and send them home.

As Julien drives the gang back home, they notice a slew of police and firemen. Ray’s trailer is the one on fire, and it is determined to be a grease fire. Ricky shuffles all the firemen off the property to protect the hash driveway, and then consoles the despondent Ray.