Trailer Park Boys is one of the best comedies on Television today, with 12 seasons of high quality comedy. In this post we rank the seasons of Trailer Park Boys from most enjoyable to least:

  1. Season 5
  2. Season 3
  3. Season 4
  4. Season 2
  5. Season 6
  6. Season 7
  7. Season 1
  8. Seasons 8-12

An Explanation for Our Rankings

Why was Season 5 the best season? Why were 8-12 the worst? We break down the full explanation for our rankings and what makes each season enjoyable and/or more enjoyable than other seasons.

Season 5

Season 5 focuses on Lahey’s return from the mental hospital, Ray burnt trailer and eviction, and the Boys’ intricate dope-growing and selling operation. The Season ends with the Boys in jail but with a lot of money waiting for them afterwards.

The multiple concurrent storylines are both hilarious and enjoyable to follow, and place Season 5 at the top of the best Seasons list. The other seasons simply lack the deep humor and storytelling present in this one.

Season 3

Season 3 focuses on the Boys’ plan to make money and go on a Cruise at the end of the season. Their schemes include a bootlegging vodka, reselling barbeques, and opening a gas station in the park. All of these make for memorable and hilarious episodes.

Despite the many memorable episodes, Season 4 falls short of its successor. The single linear storyline is highly enjoyable, and more so than the other seasons, but Season 5 simply tops it. Otherwise, Season 4 is a masterpiece and very much earns the #2 spot on this list.

Season 4

Season 4 includes Ricky’s short stint as supervisor and the Boy’s elaborate plan to make money and buy the Trailer Park. Some of the most memorable events include the standoff between Lahey and Ricky in the finale, the rub-and-tug, and the emergence of Conky.

Watching the Boys grow dope and Lahey lose his mind is hilarious, but the storyline is a bit too linear to top this list. If you like the conflict between Lahey and the Boys, this season is certainly for you.

Season 2

Season 2 represents the first large-scale dope growing opportunity the Boys undergo and Lahey’s attempts to undermine it. From the Bible Pimp to the Bare Pimp Project, there are a ton of memorable moments in the season.

Season 2 has the best season finale in the entire show, and it propels the season to its #4 ranking despite its slow start. While not perfect, Season 2 is the beginning of Trailer Park Boys’ ascent to a top comedy show.

Season 6

Season 6 features Ray’s life at the dump, Lahey’s return to the police force, and a decent relationship between him and the Boys. Between the Cheeseburger Picnic and Sam Losco taking Randy hostage, there are some memorable moments from this season.

Despite these memorable moments, there are few other ones in Season 6. In addition, the lack of an antagonistic relationship between Lahey and the Boys limits the comedy of this season, but the episodes are generally pretty good compared to the ones following in this ranking.

Season 7

Season 7 focuses on Phil Collins and his sons, the Boys smuggling dope into the United States, and the continuing storyline of Lahey as a cop. The Mustard Tiger is the best episode of the season, and the funniest moment is Ray getting arrested in the United States.

The season is and feels long (10 episodes), and the several storylines feel a bit jumbled. Although there are several funny moments throughout the season, the lack of cohesion makes this season fall to the number #5 spot on this list.

Season 1

Season 1 features the beginning of Trailer Park Boys, including an original bout with Cyrus, the Boys struggling to get on their feet, and Ricky’s wedding to Lucy. The season finale is by far the best episode in the season.

Season 1 feels very slow, but the season finale is tried-and-true TPB. Although the entirety of the season isn’t great, the fact that pushing through it unlocks the rest of the show allows it to rank above the following seasons on this list.

Season 8-12

Seasons 8-12 were produced by Netflix, a divergence and a huge step down from the earlier seasons. There are a few memorable moments, but they seem forced compared to the effortless humor displayed in prior seasons.

The episodes in these seasons are not the same Trailer Park Boys as previous seasons, and it is tough to recommend watching these seasons. Nonetheless, they do provide some funny bits, but they pale in comparison to ones from Season 1-7.