The Boys Trick the Cops

From Episode 6: Never Trust a Man with No Shirt On. Lahey calls the cops on the boys, and they scramble to keep the cops away from their dope.

Jalapeno Chips

From Episode 6: Never Trust a Man with No Shirt On. Randy buys the boys some booze and chips, but Ricky has a hard time understanding how to pronounce his favorite chip flavor.

Ricky Takes the Grade 10 Exam

From Episode 7: The Bare Pimp Project. Ricky takes the Grade 10 Exam and confronts his sworn enemy.

Sam Losco on Drugs

From Episode 2: Jim Lahey is a Drunk Bastard. Sam Losco tries to beat Lahey for the Supervisor position, but the Boys concoct a plan to send Sam back to his cave.

The Police Chase

From Episode 7: The Bare Pimp Project. The Boys try to outrun the police, but Bubbles makes a split-second decision that sends the Boys to jail.

Bonus: Bubbles Tells Off the Bible Pimp

From Episode 5: The Bible Pimp.