Season 1 was a bit slow in terms of actions and crime. However, there are several scenes that are both memorable and hilarious. Here are the top scenes from Season 1:

The Jim Trick

From Episode 5: I’m Not Gay, I Love Lucy… Wait a Second, Maybe I am Gay. Ricky pulls the handy Jim Trick out of his pocket and is able to narrowly able to escape the cops.

The Grocery Store Robbery

From Episode 6: Who the Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?. The Boys and Corey and Trevor rob a grocery store, but a screw-up threatens the entire mission.

Trinity Shoots Ricky

From Episode 4: Mrs. Peterson’s Dog Gets Fucked Up. Ricky cooks up some marijuana brownies, discovers a hidden gun, and gets shot in the butt by his daughter Trinity.

Ricky and Chicken Fingers

From Episode 2: Fuck Community College, Let’s Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers. Ricky sleeps in a car on Julien’s property and finally pisses Julien off enough.

Ricky Gets Arrested at His Wedding.

Episode 6: Who the Hell Invited These Idiots to My Wedding?. Ricky gets arrested at his wedding, and Julien stands up for his buddy.